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Kenya conducted it's first national presidential election since  2007, under a new costitution.  Presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta was, late March 7, leading his main rival, Raila Odinga, by 49% of votes to 46%, with a final result expected early March 8. Journalists, party agents, observers and diplomats gathered at at the Bomas of Kenya, a cultural centre in the west of the capital, Nairobi, that has been turned into the national tallying centre for results from the country's March 4 elections. After technical glitches with a new electronic system, votes were being totalled manually, and delays reaching the final outcome frustrated Kenyans. More than 1,100 people died in weeks of violence that followed its last polls, in 2007, when delays releasing the results raised suspicions of rigging. Nairobi, Kenya March 7, 2013 Photo: Brendan Bannon/Polaris